
Civil Rights

  • Dedicated to dismantling systemic racism, and putting an end to the City of Austin’s gentelmans agreement

  • Advocacy for equal treatment and opportunities for all

  • Becoming more proactive to avoid unnecessary public division and litigation where possible;

Affordable Housing

  • Addressing displacement with innovative solutions

  • Advocating for diverse and affordable housing options

  • Having more proactive plans that will lead to housing that our residents can afford, not affordable housing for which the costs and quantity are unknown

Climate Change

  • Commitment to fully funding the climate equity plan and consideration for possible changes to the climate equity plan

  • Reducing carbon footprints and addressing heat islands

  • Climate bond initiatives to make our city safer and more livable

  • Leveraging Inflation Reduction Act funding

Public Safety

  • Ensuring police accountability and reducing excessive force

  • Promoting safe neighborhoods through community involvement

  • Assessing ability of current infrastructure

  • Assessing ability of police and fire departments where and when needed

Economic Equity

  • Supporting working people and creatives earning below the median family income

  • Keeping essential workers in the city

  • Asking our corporate partners to join with us more proactively to make keep Austin special